Welcome to Homestead Advisor!
If you’re thinking about starting a homestead or becoming more self-sufficient, you’ve come to the right place.
At Homestead Advisor we’ll be discussing gardening, fruit production, raising fish, bees, livestock and just about everything else related to starting, or continuing to build your homestead.
It’s about making you and your family as self-reliant as possible.
Emergency preparedness will also be a large part of this website. We’ll be taking on topics like living “off-grid”, storing food, preserving your own produce and living a more sustainable lifestyle.
Whether your “homestead” consists of several acres or a small backyard, there are many ways to make the transition toward sustainability. You can be less dependent on others, and learn to rely more on your own skills.
We’ll also be reviewing products that are essential to every homesteader and some that are just cool to have. There will also be guest bloggers from time to time giving expertise on various subjects.
So, I hope you’ll stick around and make this a “Favorite” place on your internet journeys. Check out the “Blog” page to find out more about what we’ve done (and what we are currently doing) around the farm.
We’ve also got a jam-packed YouTube Channel with over 1000 videos showing every aspect of the Homesteading Life and Emergency Preparedness. Check it out HERE
Thanks for stopping by!